New hope for brain cancer patients: the wonder drug vorasidenib

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Cancer is a scary word. It is a disease where some cells in the body start to grow uncontrollably.

When this happens in the brain, we call it brain cancer. It’s like having bad weeds in a beautiful garden, trying to take over the good plants.

One kind of brain cancer is called gliomas. Gliomas are pretty common and mainly happen to grown-ups. But guess what? Scientists have been working day and night to fight this disease, and they’ve found something exciting!

Meet Vorasidenib: The New Hope

Scientists have found a new medicine, called vorasidenib, that could really help people with a type of gliomas called grade 2 gliomas.

It comes in the form of a pill that people can swallow. This new medicine has shown fantastic results in tests.

How does it work? Inside our bodies, we have lots of different kinds of genes. Think of genes like the instruction manual for building a Lego set – they tell our body how to build and run itself.

In some people, parts of this manual, called IDH1 and IDH2, can become damaged. When this happens, cells can start growing too fast, leading to cancer. But vorasidenib is like a superhero, stopping these bad genes from causing trouble.

The Life-Changing Results

The tests for vorasidenib were done on a group of people with grade 2 gliomas. They found that the people who took vorasidenib stayed healthy for almost 28 months, while those who didn’t only stayed healthy for 11 months.

That’s a huge difference! It’s like running a race, and with vorasidenib, people could run almost three times as far.

But that’s not all. The medicine also helped slow down the disease by 61% and made it so people didn’t need other treatments for 74% longer. That’s like having a shield that keeps you safe for much longer than usual.

The Story of Gliomas

Gliomas are like bad weeds that grow in the brain. They’re the most common type of brain cancer in adults. In the United States, about 4,000 people each year find out they have low-grade gliomas.

You might be wondering, why are these gliomas so bad? They slowly spread into healthy brain areas and can get worse over time, kind of like a weed that grows and spreads if you don’t stop it.

Also, they usually happen in people when they’re in the middle of their lives, maybe around when they’re 40 years old.

That’s a time when people often have lots of responsibilities, like work and taking care of their families.

The Current Treatments

The standard treatments for gliomas right now include radiation and chemotherapy. Imagine if you had weeds in your garden. Radiation and chemotherapy are like using strong weed killers.

But just as weed killers can hurt good plants, these treatments can have some harsh side effects, especially for young adults.

Because of this, many people decide to wait until they really need the treatment. Dr. Glenn Lesser, an expert in brain cancers, said that most people who receive these treatments experience some long-term effects, like memory loss.

The Importance of the New Medicine

Scientists first discovered the IDH gene mutations in 2008, and it was a big deal.

It was like finding a clue in a mystery novel! Scientists realized they could target these bad genes with medicine to stop the cancer. And that’s exactly what vorasidenib does!

The amazing thing about vorasidenib is that it was made specifically for brain cancer. It can cross the blood-brain barrier, which is like a gate that stops most medicines from getting into the brain. But vorasidenib has the secret key!

The Testing Process

To test vorasidenib, the researchers brought together 331 people with gliomas from 77 centers in 10 different countries. Half of these people were given vorasidenib, and the other half were given a placebo, which is a pill that doesn’t do anything.

The results were so good that they stopped the test early so that everyone could start taking the real medicine!

Dr. Julie Gralow, a top doctor at the American Society of Clinical Oncology, said that the medicine is not yet available for everyone but should be soon.

Final Thoughts

While vorasidenib is not a complete cure for brain cancer, it’s a huge step forward.

With this new medicine, people with grade 2 gliomas might be able to avoid the harsher treatments for much longer. This gives hope to many people who are fighting this disease.

It’s amazing what scientists can do when they work hard and keep trying. So, the next time you think something is too hard, remember the story of vorasidenib and keep going.

Who knows, you could be the next great scientist to discover something incredible!

If you care about cancer, please read studies about supplement that may increase cancer risk, and can vitamin D help prevent or treat cancer?

For more information about brain health, please see recent studies that blueberry supplements may prevent cognitive decline, and results showing higher magnesium intake could help benefit brain health.

The study was published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

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