Vitamin D may strongly reduce cancer risk, shows study

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Vitamin D, which can be found in liver and fish oils, is essential for calcium absorption and the prevention of rickets in children and senior adults.

Recently, researchers from the University of California San Diego and elsewhere found that vitamin D may also help reduce cancer risk.

They focused on the effects of vitamin D (serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D) in women aged 55 years and older across a broad range of vitamin D levels.

They used data from two large studies. One was the Lappe cohort study, which included 1,169 people; and the other was the GrassrootsHealth cohort study, which included 1,135 people.

The researchers found that cancer incidence was lower in people with higher levels of vitamin D. For example, women with concentrations >= 40 ng/ml had a 67% lower risk of cancer than women with concentrations < 20 ng/ml.

The researchers suggest that higher concentrations of vitamin D (>= 40 ng/ml) are linked to a lower risk of all invasive cancer combined.

However, it is also important to know that ultra-high concentrations of vitamin D (> 125 ng/ml) may cause side effects.

People can obtain vitamin D daily in several ways, including diet, sunlight exposure, and vitamin D supplementation. Food rich in vitamin D includes oily fish, mushrooms, fish roe, tofu, cereals, dairy product, pork, and eggs.

If you care about cancer, please read studies about vaccines to prevent pancreatic cancer, and this berry may protect you from cancer, diabetes, and obesity.

For more information about cancer risk, please see recent studies about drugs that can strengthen the immune system to fight cancer, and results showing Aspirin may boost survival in these two cancers.

The finding was published in the scientific journal PLOS ONE and conducted by McDonnell SL et al.

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