How to reduce Parkinson’s symptoms with diet and supplements

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Parkinson’s disease is a movement disorder.

It gradually reduces dopamine, a chemical in the brain, affecting speech, walking and balance.

The causes of the disease aren’t known, and there are no effective treatments, nor is there a cure.

But previous studies show that people who consume high levels of dietary vitamin C and E may lower their risk for Parkinson’s disease by almost a third.

The findings also show that a healthy diet does play a big role in Parkinson’s disease management and prevention.

This Health & Medicine Lab video talks about how diets and supplements could help reduce Parkinson’s symptoms.

If you care about brain health, please read studies about the major cause of Parkinson’s disease, and dancing with music can halt most debilitating Parkinson’s symptoms.

Disclaimer: Any information on diseases and treatments available in this video is intended for general guidance only and must never be considered a substitute for the advice provided by your doctor or other qualified healthcare professional.

Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care professional with questions you may have regarding your medical condition.