Dementia more common in these people, study finds

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In a new study from Kaiser Permanente Northern California, researchers found people older than 50 years with HIV are more likely to have dementia than people without HIV.

They compared dementia incidence and prevalence after age 50 years by HIV status.

The analysis included 13,296 people with HIV and 155,354 without HIV identified from Kaiser Permanente electronic medical records (2000 to 2016).

The researchers found that the overall incidence of dementia was higher among people with HIV.

For the most recent time period (2015 to 2016), dementia incidence decreased among both individuals with and without HIV, but remained higher among people with HIV.

During the entire study period, the overall prevalence of dementia was higher among those with HIV, with similar prevalence findings seen for those with HIV in the most recent period.

The team says reductions in dementia incidence are encouraging and may reflect antiretroviral therapy improvement, but people with HIV are still more likely to have dementia than people without HIV.

Monitoring the burden of dementia among people with HIV is important as this population ages.

If you care about dementia, please read studies about chronic inflammation linked to dementia, and results showing that high blood pressure drug that may treat vascular dementia, and results showing that if you control type 2 diabetes well, you may lower dementia risk.

The study is published in AIDS. One author of the study is Jennifer O. Lam.

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