This new gel may help defeat Parkinson’s disease

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In a new study from The Australian National University, researchers have developed a new type of hydrogel that could radically transform how we treat Parkinson’s disease.

The gel also offers hope for patients who have suffered from other neurological conditions such as strokes.

The new material is made from natural amino acids—the building blocks of proteins—and acts as a gateway to facilitate the safe transfer of stem cells into the brain and restore damaged tissue by releasing a growth-enabling protein called GDNF.

By putting the stem cells into a gel, they are exposed to less stress when injected into the brain and are more gently and successfully integrated.

When researchers shake or apply energy to the hydrogel, the substance turns into a liquid which allows them to inject it into the brain through a very small capillary using a needle.

Once inside the brain, the gel returns to its solid form and provides support for the stem cells to replace lost dopamine neurons.

Although dopamine-related drugs are a readily used treatment for people living with Parkinson’s disease, many have negative side effects that are exacerbated with time.

The stem cell transplant delivered in this hydrogel on the other hand avoids many of these side effects and could provide a one-off intervention that can sustain dopamine levels for decades to come.

The team says the hydrogel has the potential to also treat patients who have suffered a stroke and could even be used to treat damaged knees or shoulders, following successful animal trials.

The hydrogel technology is cost-effective and easy to manufacture on a mass scale, and it’s hoped the treatment could soon be made available in hospitals, but it must first undergo clinical trials.

If you care about Parkinson’s disease, please read studies about these 2 vitamins may reduce your risk for Parkinson’s disease and findings of this new treatment shows promise for Parkinson’s disease.

For more information about Parkinson’s and your health, please see recent studies about widely used diabetes drugs may help you prevent Parkinson’s disease and results showing that these diets may keep you from Parkinson’s disease.

The study is published in Advanced Functional Materials. One author of the study is Professor David Nisbet.

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