Vitamin D does not reduce depression risk, new study shows

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In a new study, researchers found vitamin D supplementation does not protect against depression in middle-age or older adulthood.

They found there was no strong benefit from the supplement for this purpose. It did not prevent depression or improve mood.

The study is one of the largest ever studies of its kind. This is a longstanding question that has likely encouraged some people to take the vitamin.

The research was conducted by a team at Massachusetts General Hospital.

Vitamin D is sometimes called the “sunshine vitamin” because the skin can naturally create it when exposed to sunlight.

Numerous studies showed that low blood levels of vitamin D (25-hydroxy vitamin D) were linked to a higher risk for depression in later life, but there have been few large-scale randomized trials necessary to determine causation.

Now the researchers have delivered what may be the definitive answer to this question.

The current study included more than 18,000 men and women aged 50 years or older.

Half the participants received vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) supplementation for an average of five years, and the other half received a matching placebo for the same duration.

The team found among the 18,353 people, the risk of depression or clinically relevant depressive symptoms was not strongly different between those receiving active vitamin D3 supplements and those on placebo, and there were no big differences were seen between treatment groups in mood scores over time.

The team says vitamin D is known to be essential for bone and metabolic health, but randomized trials have cast doubt on many of the other presumed benefits.

They suggest it’s not time to throw out your vitamin D yet though, at least not without your doctor’s advice.

One author of the study is Olivia I. Okereke, MD, MS from Massachusetts General Hospital.

The study is published in JAMA.

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