If the world drinks more coffee, deaths from liver cancer may strongly decrease

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In a new study, researchers found that if everyone in the world drank at least two cups of coffee every day, the world would see hundreds of thousands of fewer deaths from liver cancer.

They described how they calculated their numbers and explained why they believe governments should begin encouraging people to drink more coffee.

The research was conducted by a team at the University of Melbourne and elsewhere.

Previous studies have shown that drinking coffee can have many health benefits if consumed on a regular basis. One of those benefits that stands out from the others is a reduced risk of developing liver cancer.

In the study, the team found that drinking two or three cups of coffee per day can reduce a person’s risk of developing the disease by 38%—and their risk of dying from the disease by 46%.

And when a person ups their consumption to four or more cups per day, the risk reduction is 41% and the chance of dying is 71% less.

The researchers also wondered what would happen if all the world’s non-coffee drinkers began to consume two or four cups of coffee every day.

To find out, they extracted and studied data in the Global Burden of Disease 2016 dataset, filtering for liver-cancer-related statistics.

They found that there were 1,240,201 deaths listed from liver cancer for that year.

They then retrieved coffee drinking statistics and added both sets of data into a model that showed connections between coffee drinking and reductions in liver cancer.

The model showed that if everyone in the world had been drinking two cups of coffee a day in 2016, there would have been 452,861 fewer deaths from liver cancer.

And if everyone had been drinking four cups, there would have been 723,287 fewer deaths.

The team believes that governments and health agencies should begin promoting coffee consumption as a way to reduce liver cancer rates.

One author of the study is Sarah Gardner.

The study is published in Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics.

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