Weight loss surgery greatly benefits people with obesity and diabetes

In a new study, researchers found that weight loss surgery could bring long-term health benefits in individuals with obesity and type 2 diabetes.

The research was conducted by a team at The University of Hong Kong and elsewhere.

Bariatric surgery is currently considered as one of the most effective therapies for obesity.

About 30% of the initial weight of patients is reduced by the surgery, and the weight loss can be maintained for 10 to 15 years after the surgery.

In the study, the team compared disease remission rates, weight loss, and changes in metabolic health in patients after bariatric surgery and nonsurgical patients.

Four hundred one surgical patients (310 restrictive surgeries; 91 bypass surgeries) and 1894 nonsurgical patients were included. Restrictive surgeries reduce the size of the stomach.

The team found surgical patients had higher remission rates in diabetes and better blood sugar control at 12 to 60 months after weight loss surgery.

Blood pressure numbers were much lower for the surgical group up to 12 months and similar between two groups after 12 months.

In addition, surgical patients had much lower BMI for over five years.

The effectiveness of restrictive and bypass surgeries was similar at 60 months, but restrictive surgeries were slightly more effective in type 2 diabetes remission.

The team says weight loss surgery could bring long-term benefits for people with obesity and type 2 diabetes. Future work needs to compare the effectiveness of bariatric surgery versus other relevant therapies.

One author of the study is Carlos King Ho Wong.

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