8 things can help you sleep well when you get older

Sleeping well is an important part of a healthy lifestyle.

Previous research has shown that a good night’s sleep can benefit our physical and mental health.

But when we get older, it is more difficult to sleep at night. It is estimated that about 50% of older Americans have sleep problems and that 30% of people use drugs or supplements to help them sleep.

Although these sleep drugs and supplements can help people sleep better, they may bring some health risks, such as confusion, urinary retention, and constipation.

To solve the problem, scientists from Michigan Micheline provide eight tips to help people with sleep problems sleep better.

Stick to the same sleep schedule every day. It is important to go to bed and get up at the same time every day, including weekends and during traveling.

Research has found that oversleeping and sleeping much late on weekends cannot bring health benefits.

Have your own bedtime routine. The routine can be simple, such as reading a book or listening to soft music or taking a warm bath before sleep.

The routine can help your body and brain to get prepared.

Don’t use electronic devices in the bedroom. Researchers suggest that smartphones, tablets, TVs, and laptops should be kept out of the bedroom.

This is because their “blue” light can influence the brain and interfere with sleep.

No caffeine in the evening. It is important to avoid coffee and tea and other beverages high in caffeine in the evening. They can interfere with the ability to get to sleep later in the day.

No big nap in the late afternoon or evening. This can make you less sleepy at night and change your sleep cycle.

No alcohol drinking before sleep. Although alcohol can help people fall asleep faster, it cannot benefit long-term, undisrupted sleep.

Many people wake up at night and find it hard to fall asleep again.

Don’t drink too much water before sleep. A full bladder can wake up people in the night and make it hard to sleep deeply again.

Talk to your doctor about your sleep problems. This “talk therapy” can help people with serious sleep issues.

Psychologists and clinical social workers may provide insomnia-related cognitive behavioral therapy.

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