In a recent study, researchers from the University of Arizona find that nighttime snacking and junk food cravings may contribute to unhealthy eating behaviors.
It represents a potential link between poor sleep and obesity as well as diabetes.
The study was conducted via a nationwide, phone-based survey of 3,105 adults from 23 U.S. metropolitan areas.
Participants were asked if they regularly consumed a nighttime snack and whether lack of sleep led them to crave junk food.
They also were asked about their sleep quality and existing health problems.
About 60% of participants reported regular nighttime snacking and two-thirds reported that lack of sleep led them to crave more junk food.
The researchers found that junk food cravings were linked to double the increase in the likelihood of nighttime snacking, which was associated with an increased risk for diabetes.
They also found that poor sleep quality seemed to be a major predictor of junk food cravings and that junk food cravings were linked to a greater report of obesity, diabetes, and other health problems.
Previous studies have shown that sleep deprivation can lead to junk food cravings at night, which leads to increased unhealthy snacking at night, which then leads to weight gain.
This study provides important information about the process.
The researchers suggest that sleep is increasingly recognized as an important factor in health, alongside nutrition.
This study shows how sleep and eating patterns are linked and work together to promote health.
The link between poor sleep, junk food cravings and unhealthy nighttime snacking may represent an important way that sleep helps regulate metabolism.
Sleep and wakefulness disorders affect an estimated 15% to 20% of U.S. adults, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
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