How to cut cancer risk when you grill meat

Recent research has suggested links between grilling meat at high temperatures and various types of cancer.

This is because when meats are grilled at high temperatures, they can generate carcinogens that lead to cancer.

The carcinogens can also be found in the smoke that is made when fat drippings hit hot coals.

Researchers also have found that eating red meat and processed meat is linked to higher cancer risk.

However, people do not need to give up this type of cooking to prevent cancer.

There are many things they can do to reduce cancer risk while enjoying grilling meat with family members and friends.

Here experts from Michigan Medicine provide six tips to cut cancer risk when grilling meat.

Marinate your meat first.

Research has shown that marinating can help decrease the formation of carcinogens. You can use a vinegar-based cause and skip the sugar.

Keep the grill on medium-high heat.

Do not use very high heat to grill your meat. Also, you should flip the meat often so it will not char.

Add vegetables and fruit in your cooking.

Vegetables and fruit don’t generate carcinogens when grilled. You can focus on these foods and use red meat and processed meat as a side dish.

Deal with the fat.

You can trim excess fat off of meat and cover the grill surface with aluminum foil.

This can help prevent fat drips from hitting hot coals.

Pre-cook large meat

For large cuts of meat, you can partially pre-cook them in microwave. After that, you place them on a preheated grill to finish cooking.

This can help reduce the grilling time and reduce the chance of generating carcinogens.

Consider other proteins.

Besides grilling beef, lamb, and pork, you can add other proteins such as turkey, fish, and seafood.

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