Why scientists take these 5 supplements

Why scientists take these 5 supplements

Supplements have become an important part of people’s daily diet. Many take them on daily basis to keep their body healthy.

Since supplements don’t need scientific evidence prove their health benefits, it is easy to be misled and use supplements that cannot really help improve health.

In a recent article from The Conversation, scientists share their supplement intake with the public. They also give the reason why they choose these supplements.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is special because our body needs sunlight to produce it. People who live in cold countries, or who spend a lot of time indoors, are at risk of a deficiency.

Vitamin D is important for healthy bones, strong immune system, muscle regeneration, and mental health.

Scientists suggest that people living the places where sunlight is scarce during winter should take vitamin D daily.

In addition, people with darker skin tone are also more at risk of vitamin D deficiency as melanin slows down skin production of vitamin D. They should take vitamin D supplement.


Recent research has shown that omega-3 can improve my brain function, prevent mood disorders and help to prevent Alzheimer’s disease.

Omega-3 comes in many forms, two of which are very important for brain development and mental health: EPA and DHA.

A healthy adult should get a minimum of 250-500mg daily. One good source of omega-3 is fatty fish like salmon and tuna. Walnuts and flax seeds also offer omega-3 a lot.

If your diet cannot provide enough omega-3, you should consider using a supplement.


Turmeric is a traditional ingredient in South Asia cooking. It can add an earthy warmth and fragrance to curried dishes.

Scientists have found that turmeric can provide many health benefits. It is a remedy to reduce inflammation and help wounds heal.

Moreover, recent studies show that turmeric contains curcumin, which can protect against many diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis, cardiovascular disease, dementia and some cancers.

One good way to use turmeric is to add it in your coffee. Drinking coffee has many health benefits, too.


Recent research has shown that gut bacteria plays a big role in our physical and mental health.

Unhealthy lifestyle habits, like poor diet, physically inactive and too much stress can disrupt the balance of gut bacteria.

Consuming dietary probiotics can help support the health of the gut. The options include yogurt, kefir and kombucha.

According to the scientists’ experience, probiotic intake can help improve sport performance, solve gut problems, and protect against colds.


Similarly to probiotic, prebiotics can help improve gut health.

Prebiotics are non-digestible carbohydrates that act as a “fertiliser” to increase the growth and activity of beneficial bacteria in the gut.

Research shows that the supplement can help reduce inflammation and immune function, metabolic syndrome and increase mineral absorption.

In addition, it can help fight allergic asthma.

One way to use probiotics is to put them in your coffee every day.

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