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A hormone boost to help you lose weight: new study breaks ground

We all know that losing weight can be a tough battle. If you've ever tried to diet, you know how challenging it can be...

Napping may be beneficial for your brain – here’s how

Sleep plays an important role in keeping the brain healthy, which is why people are advised to get at least 7-9 hours each night. When...

Obesity prolongs brain injury symptoms: a new study reveals

Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine have found that obesity can extend the duration of mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) symptoms. This...

Diabetes remission possible after this surgery, even without big weight loss

More than half of patients with diabetes (51%) experienced diabetes remission after metabolic surgery, regardless of whether they achieved significant weight loss, according to...

COVID-19 worry linked to daydreaming but not nighttime dreams

A recent study published in the journal Emotion has shed light on how worries about COVID-19 are linked to the emotional content of daydreaming...

Body mass index: why practitioners are relying on it less when looking at a...

Body mass index has long been used by doctors as the standard method for measuring health – and often still is. But earlier this month,...

Intermittent fasting and calorie counting about equal for weight loss

The traditional approach to weight loss is to count calories and try to reduce the number consumed each day. This is a time-consuming and...

New higher dose diabetes drug promises better blood sugar control and weight loss

Diabetes is a health condition that affects how your body handles sugar in your blood. It's a problem that's becoming more common, and it...

Drinking less alcohol linked to lean body mass and age in women

Scientists have discovered that the rate at which women clear alcohol from their bloodstream is primarily determined by their lean body mass and, to...

Burn more fat with high-speed workouts, experts advise

Do you ever wish you could burn more fat while exercising? A research team in Melbourne, Australia, has a solution. They're telling us about...