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Weight loss surgery linked to this mental disease, study finds

Researchers have found a correlation between gastric bypass surgery and a heightened risk of non-alcohol substance use disorder, as outlined in a new study...

Good news for ‘weekend warriors’: people who do much of their exercise on a...

Physical activity has established benefits for health. The World Health Organization recommends adults do a minimum of 150–300 minutes of moderate or 75–150 minutes...

Why obesity makes it hard to detect and treat heart disease

A new review paper from Mayo Clinic published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology discusses how obesity affects common tests used...

Weight loss surgery linked to lower cancer risks, study confirms

Bariatric surgery appears to lower the risk of developing obesity-associated cancers, according to a 10-year follow-up study due to be presented at Digestive Disease...

Scientists find more effective way to treat obesity

Mayo Clinic researchers have piloted a study looking into the effectiveness of different weight loss strategies: a standard lifestyle intervention versus individualized therapy. The...

As heat records fall, how hot is too hot for the human body?

Extreme heat has been breaking records across Europe, Asia and North America, with millions of people sweltering in heat and humidity well above “normal”...

A good fat: Omega-3 may help fight against obesity

We've all heard that omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish and certain nuts and seeds, are good for our health. But did you know they...

Disrupted body clocks linked to stroke risk and short lifespan

Have you ever noticed how you feel a bit off after traveling to a new time zone or after switching to a night shift? It's...

Scientists find secrets to long-term weight loss success

A new study is underway to investigate why some individuals successfully maintain long-term weight loss while others struggle to do so. Led by researchers at...

A net benefit? Here’s how watching soccer might affect your health

Crystal Cuadra-Cutler lives for soccer. And soccer has added a lot to her life. The Gilroy, California, resident is a chapter president for the American...