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Mountain biking: health benefits outweigh the risks, says new study

A new study by Curtin University's School of Nursing aims to debunk the widely held notion that mountain biking is an extreme, injury-prone sport...

Weight loss surgery affects how medication works, experts warn

One-third of Australians are struggling with obesity, leading many to opt for weight loss surgery. Every year, around 100,000 such surgeries are performed in...

Sleeping trouble might cause high blood pressure, study finds

Imagine this: You're asleep, but your breathing stops for a bit, then starts again. This doesn’t just happen once but multiple times throughout the...

How bad lifestyle choices affect blood vessels differently in men and women

A groundbreaking study from the University of Missouri School of Medicine has discovered that making poor lifestyle choices for just a short period can...

Cardio fitness and rigorous exercise can fight against cognitive decline

As we get older, many people worry about memory loss and other forms of mental decline. But what if you could slow down this...

Can body contouring influence long-term weight loss post-bariatric surgery?

A recent study published in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery challenges the previously held belief that body contouring surgeries aid in long-term weight loss or...

Scientists find the best temperature for older people to sleep well

As we age, a good night's sleep becomes increasingly elusive. While numerous medical and behavioral interventions have aimed to tackle sleep issues, the importance of...

Get moving and stay social to reduce your dementia risk

Ever worried that dementia could be in your future, especially if it runs in your family? A new study shows that some really simple stuff—like...

Night shift work might affect your brain health, study shows

The Trouble with Working Night Shifts A new study from York University in Canada suggests that working night shifts or having a constantly changing work...

Scientists find the Link between poor sleep, brain inflammation, and Alzheimer’s risk

Sleep and Alzheimer’s: What’s the Connection? New research suggests that poor sleep might be one of the earliest warning signs of Alzheimer's disease, thanks to...