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Kicking, yelling during sleep? You may have violent sleep disorder

In a new study, researchers found risk factors for a disruptive and sometimes violent sleep disorder called rapid eye movement (REM) sleep behavior disorder. The...

Oxygen therapy could help you sleep deeply

In a new study, researchers found that exposure to high levels of oxygen encourages the brain to remain in deep, restorative sleep. The new study...

Taking leftovers home could be bad to your health

In a new study, researchers found that people who have leftovers—especially when it’s considered a large portion—leave feeling happy with themselves. And this sense of...

Burning more fat but less carbs could lead to diabetes

In a recent study, researchers found that when muscles burn more fat and less glucose, exercise endurance can increase. However, this could simultaneously cause diabetes. Skeletal...

Two things could help improve your liver health

Currently, about 80 million U.S. residents suffer from Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). This means about 1 in 3 people have excessive fat in their...

How evening stress could harm your health

In a new study, researchers found that stressful events in the evening release less of the body's stress hormones than those that happen in...

Regular problem solving cannot prevent cognitive decline

The well known 'use it or lose it' claim has been widely accepted by healthcare professionals. But in a new study, researchers found that regularly...

Getting enough exercise easier than you think, experts say

Turns out, your body will actually thank you for a quick trip to the gym. With New Year’s resolutions only a few weeks away, there’s...

Why hearing loss is dangerous to older people

In a new study, researchers linked hearing loss to an increased risk for mortality before the age of 75 due to heart disease and...

After 50, loss of wealth could greatly increase death risk

In a recent study, researchers found adults in their 50s and older who suffer a catastrophic loss of wealth have a 50-percent higher risk...