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6 reasons you should take a walk everyday

Many chronic diseases are linked to specific dietary and lifestyle changes which include overeating, over-drinking, smoking and lack of physical activity. There is no doubt...

How much you sleep may affect your risk of fractures and falls

In a recent study, researchers found that compared with women in a recent study who slept seven to eight hours each night, women who...

Scientists discover how sleep patterns linked to breast cancer risk

In a recent study, researchers found women who are “larks”, functioning better at the beginning of the day than the end of the day,...

Women gain more weight when job demands are high

In a new study, researchers found heavy pressures at work seem to predispose women to weight gain, irrespective of whether they have received an...

5 common drinking problems you should know

Alcohol abuse is more complicated than simply drinking too much. In a recent study, Penn State researchers discovered the five distinct classes or “profiles” among...

Reduced deep sleep may be early sign of Alzheimer’s disease

In a new study, researchers found that older people who have less slow-wave sleep – the deep sleep you need to consolidate memories and...

Gut bacteria could play a big role in your weight gain

In a recent study, researchers found that gut bacteria play an important role in long-term weight gain. It is known that weight gain happens when...

Dental flossing linked to higher toxic chemicals in the body

In a new study, researchers found certain types of consumer behaviors, including flossing with Oral-B Glide dental floss, contribute to elevated levels in the...

Endurance exercise may help slow aging

In a recent study, researchers found that endurance exercise, such as running, swimming, cross-country skiing and cycling, could help people age better than resistance...

Heaving drinking may change your DNA

Binge and heavy drinking may trigger a long-lasting genetic change, resulting in an even greater craving for alcohol, according to a Rutgers-led study. The team...