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Common painkillers linked to obesity and sleep disorders

In a recent study, researchers from Newcastle University, UK found that commonly prescribed painkillers are linked to obesity and sleep deprivation if used for...
Why sleep may protect you from heart disease

Why sleep may protect you from heart disease

In a new study, researchers found the reason why good nights’ sleep may help protect against heart disease. The research was funded by the National...
Being overweight in childhood linked to blood clots later in life

Being overweight in childhood linked to blood clots later in life

In a new study, researchers found being overweight or obese is linked to a higher risk of blood clots in the body. The effects even...

Your gut bacteria may make you gain too much weight

Body weight in the normal range is important a healthy lifestyle. It is known that we gain weight when we consume more calories than we...

These 5 exercises could do wonders to your health

Regular exercise plays an important role in a healthy and happy life. It can help you keep a healthy body weight, maintain a good body...
Getting healthy food with Medicare or Medicaid could benefit your health

Getting healthy food with Medicare or Medicaid could benefit your health

In a new study, researchers found that prescribing healthy food in Medicare or Medicaid could help save money and improve health. They found that healthy...
Even 10 minutes brisk walk every week may help you live longer

Even 10 minutes brisk walk every week may help you live longer

In a new study, researchers found low physical activity in leisure time is linked to a lower risk of death. This means even brisk walk...
Night shift work may lower quality of life, even in younger people

Night shift work may lower quality of life, even in younger people

In a new study, researchers found nightshift work may lower the quality of life in workers, even the works are young. The research was conducted...
These 4 healthy food choices could help you lose weight effectively

These 4 healthy food choices could help you lose weight effectively

Many people find it is hard to lose weight and keep it for a long time. Sometimes, it is because the diet they choose is...
Are melatonin supplements safe for improving sleep_

Are melatonin supplements safe for improving sleep?

Sleep is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. It plays a big role in our mental and physical health. Without good sleep, we cannot...