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How to navigate menopause: a guide to eating right

Menopause is a significant phase in a woman's life, characterized by the end of menstrual cycles and a host of physical changes. These changes often...

Research shows big hidden cause of obesity

Globally, more and more people are struggling with obesity, and despite our best efforts, it's becoming a bigger issue year after year. While diets and...

Adding almonds into your diet can help you lose weight

Do you love almonds but worry they might make you gain weight? Well, the good news is that almonds can actually help you shed...

Surprise findings about how alcohol and caffeine affect our sleep

University of Washington and University of California, Berkeley researchers have uncovered an unexpected twist in how alcohol and caffeine, when consumed together, affect sleep. Their...

Sleep apnea is linked to heart rhythm disorders, study confirms

Recent findings by the Cleveland Clinic have shed light on how interrupted sleep can affect the heart, particularly its rhythm. The study, published in the...

Obesity drugs can help prevent weight regain after weight loss surgery

A pivotal study steered by researchers from UT Southwestern Medical Center has thrown light on the promising efficacy of certain anti-obesity medications, including semaglutide,...

Poor sleep could trigger this heart problem next day

New research from UC San Francisco is giving us another compelling reason to prioritize a good night's rest. It turns out that poor sleep isn't...

New toothpaste can treat peanut allergy, study finds

Peanut allergies can be life-threatening, but there's hope on the horizon. Oral immunotherapy, a method of gradually introducing small amounts of peanut allergen to desensitize...

Overweight and obese people control their appetite uniquely

Researchers from the University of Cambridge have made an intriguing discovery regarding the human brain. Their findings shed light on the role of the hypothalamus...

‘Life’s Essential 8’ checklist may slow down aging by 6 years, study finds

Maintaining a high level of cardiovascular health may be the key to slowing down the biological aging process, ultimately reducing the risk of age-related...