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Children who drink whole milk may have lower risk of obesity

In a new study, researchers found that children who drank whole milk had 40% lower odds of being overweight or obese compared with children...

Here’s more evidence your dog might lengthen your life

Letting your health go to the dogs might turn out to be a great idea: New research bolsters the association between dog ownership and...

Time-restricted eating is growing in popularity, but is it healthy?

Tipping the scales at 233 pounds, Charles Joy realized he needed to make some changes. The 28-year-old Louisville, Kentucky, native already had tried many diet...

Sleep too little or too much linked to this incurable lung disease

In a new study, researchers have discovered that people who regularly sleep for more than 11 hours or less than 4 hours are 2-3...

Hormone therapy may prevent cognitive decline in women

Estrogen has a significant role in overall brain health and cognitive function. That's why so many studies focused on the prevention of cognitive decline consider...

Dental flossing linked to higher toxic chemicals in the body

In a new study, researchers found certain types of consumer behaviors, including flossing with Oral-B Glide dental floss, contribute to elevated levels in the...

This weight loss diet may help treat dangerous kidney disease

Hereditary and relatively common, polycystic kidney disease (PKD) has long been thought to be progressive and irreversible, condemning its sufferers to a long, slow...

Fragmented physical activity may mean higher death risk

Adults age 65 and older are one of the fastest-growing segments of the U.S. population. They are also increasingly sedentary, and prior studies have shown...

Diet high in sugar may quickly improve sperm quality

In a new study, researchers found that sperm are influenced by diet, and the effects arise rapidly. The sperm motility of men who followed a...

‘Achievable’ weight loss may lead to type 2 diabetes remission

In a new study, researchers found that people who achieve a weight loss of 10% or more in the first five years following diagnosis...