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Healthiest lifestyle may reduce your diabetes risk by 75%

In a new study, researchers found people with the healthiest lifestyle have a 75% lower risk of type 2 diabetes than those with the...

Weight loss surgery could protect heart health in people with obesity and diabetes

In a new study, researchers found weight-loss surgery performed in patients with type 2 diabetes and obesity is linked to a lower risk of...

Optimism could boost your chance of living 85 years or more

In a new study, researchers found optimism could boost our chances of living 85 years or more by over 50%. The research was conducted by...

Sleeping too much—or too little—may increase your heart attack risk

In a new study, researchers found sleeping too much or too little may boost people’s heart attack risk. The high risk even exists in people...

To vape or not to vape?

The downsides of e-cigarettes have recently come into sharp relief as several teens and adults have been hospitalized with severe lung damage doctors suspect...

How your body clock linked to obesity and diabetes

In a new study, researchers have found connections linking diabetes and obesity to circadian rhythm, often referred to as the body clock. The research was...

It’s never too late to reap health rewards of exercise, strength training

As people age, physical activity still needs to be part of the game plan for living a healthy, happy life—and experts say it's never...

Long-term night-shift work may increase risk for multiple sclerosis

In a new study, researchers found that people who do night-shift work for more than 20 years have a higher risk of multiple sclerosis...

Waist size, not BMI, may predict coronary artery disease better

In a new study, researchers found the location of the fat that matters most for heart health. They found belly fat representing the greatest harm...

Excess body fat may increase your risk of depression

In a new study, researchers found carrying excess body fat could increase the risk of depression. The found the more fat, the greater the probability...