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FDA: People should avoid THC-containing vaping products

Consumers are likely aware of the recent reports of respiratory illnesses — including some resulting in deaths – following the use of vaping products. The...

How to prevent falls when you are older

Each year millions of Americans, especially older adults, go to the emergency department after an injury from a fall. “These falls can cause serious injuries—back...

Scientists find a surprising harm of mouthwash

In a new study, researchers found that the blood pressure-lowering effect of exercise is strongly reduced when people rinse their mouths with an antibacterial...

Sleeping with artificial light may increase obesity risk

Sleep is important for your physical and mental health. A lack of quality sleep increases your risk for certain health conditions, including obesity. A recent study...

Smoking traditional or e-cigarettes may harm your sleep

In a new study, researchers found the use of traditional cigarettes or e-cigarettes was linked with more sleep difficulties. The research was conducted by a...

Scientists find a better way to reduce obesity

In a new study, researchers found taxing sugar-sweetened beverages by the amount of sugar they contain, rather than by the liquid volume of these...

Hot yoga may help lower blood pressure

In a new study, researchers found taking hot yoga classes could lower blood pressure in people with elevated or stage 1 high blood pressure. The...

Hearing aids linked to lower risks of dementia, depression, falls

In a new study, researchers found older adults who get a hearing aid for hearing loss have lower risks of dementia, depression or anxiety...

To protect your cognitive function, protect your gum and teeth first

In a new study, researchers found poor oral health is linked to decreased quality of life, depression, high blood pressure, and cognitive decline. The finding...

Obesity is shifting cancer to younger people

In a new study, researchers found a shift in obesity-associated cancers to younger people. Typically, these cancers are diagnosed at higher rates among people older...