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Less TV, more activity may give you more years free of heart disease and...

In a new study, researchers found people who watch less TV and are physically active live more years free of heart disease. The research was...

Exercise plus a low-calorie diet may harm your bone health

In a new study, researchers found how bones can be harmed by calorie restriction, and particularly by the combination of exercise and calorie restriction. The...

‘Yo-yo’ dieting may benefit your metabolic health

In a new study, researchers found repeatedly losing and regaining weight may lead to improved insulin levels and lower body fat percentages in the...

Digital detox may not improve your wellbeing, new study shows

In a new study, researchers found a 24-hour period of abstinence from a smartphone induces cravings, but mood and anxiety remain stable. The research was...

These e-cigarette flavors may harm your body most

Cigarette smoking causes 1 out of every 3 deaths that result from heart disease. But there is little scientific evidence on the toxicity and health...

Fitter people have fitter brains

In a new study, researchers found physical fitness is linked to better brain structure and brain functioning in young adults. This opens the possibility that...

Daytime napping in this way may lower your heart attack, stroke risk

In a new study, researchers found a daytime nap taken once or twice a week may lower the risk of having a heart attack...

Long-term sedentary lifestyle may double premature death risk

In a new study, researchers found 20 years of a sedentary lifestyle is associated with a two times risk of premature death compared to...

Scientists find new way to prevent, even reverse obesity

In a new study, researchers have developed a new way based on nanotechnology to prevent and even reverse obesity. The research was conducted by a...

Disturbed childhood can cause adult insomnia

In a new study, researchers found any problem behavioral issues in childhood can lead to severe insomnia in middle age. They suggest parents should help...