Home Wellness Page 409


How sleepless nights could harm your gut health

It is well known that people who work night shifts or travel often across different time zones have a higher tendency to become overweight...

Scientists find a new drug could delay muscle aging

It is known that strong muscles are important for a long and healthy life. But older people often lose muscle mass due to aging...

Flavoring ingredient exceeds safety levels in e-cigarettes, Duke study shows

In a new study, researchers found a potential carcinogen that has been banned as a food additive is present in very high levels in...

Vegan diet may boost gut health, improve body weight and blood sugar

In a new study, researchers found a 16-week vegan diet can boost the gut microbes that are related to improvements in body weight, body...

Sleep loss could affect how your body handles fat

In a new study, researchers found that just a few days of sleep deprivation can make people feel less full after eating and metabolize...

Chemical in common home products may harm your bone health

Triclosan is a chemical commonly used in antibacterial consumer goods and personal care products, such as hand sanitizer, soaps, mouthwash, and toothpaste. In a study...

This protein could help you build strong muscles more effectively than milk protein

It is known that animal proteins like milk are an excellent source for muscle growth. They provide a useful comparison for testing other protein sources. In...

Why you gain weight when you get older

Many people struggle to keep their weight in check as they get older. In a new study, researchers have found why people gain weight as...

Why you should make your family fit and healthy

Many people think about ways to stay physically fit as individuals. But what about creating a health and fitness plan for the entire family? Much like...

Drinking tea may improve your brain health

In a new study, researchers found regular tea drinkers have better organized brain regions—and this is associated with healthy cognitive function—compared to non-tea drinkers. The...