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Can cannabis oil help you sleep?

Cannabidiol (CBD) oil seems to be all over the place, used as treatment for anxiety, chronic pain, acne and even infused in some foods...

Heavy stress may strongly shorten our life expectancy

In a new study, researchers found that life expectancy is influenced not only by the traditional lifestyle-related risk factors but also by factors related...

Breathing dirty air may make you gain weight, have diabetes

In a new study, researchers found that breathing dirty air takes a heavy toll on gut bacteria, boosting the risk of obesity, diabetes, gastrointestinal...

Weight-loss surgery may help lower colon cancer risk

In a new study, researchers found that obesity increases the risk of colon cancer, but weight-loss surgery may bring the risk back to normal. They...

Healthy living can give your skin a golden glow

In a new study, researchers found that a healthy lifestyle strongly improves a person's skin color. The finding reveals that a balanced and healthy lifestyle,...

How intermittent fasting helps prevent disease

In a new study, researchers have used state-of-the-art analytical tools to understand how intermittent fasting works on the liver to help prevent disease. The findings...

Eating avocado daily may improve attention in people with obesity

In a new study, researchers found that a diet including daily avocado consumption improves the ability to focus attention in adults who are overweight...

Why obesity causes high blood pressure, and how to stop it

In a new study, researchers have discovered why obesity causes high blood pressure and identified potential ways of treating that form of high blood...

Your community could influence how long you’ll live

In a new study, researchers found while lifestyle choices and genetics go a long way toward predicting longevity, certain community characteristics also play important...

How to prepare for COVID-19

A lot of uncertainty still surrounds the evolving coronavirus outbreak. A Michigan Medicine expert offers nine practical things you can do to prepare yourself...