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Car crashes, strokes, and Alzheimer’s disease: The dangers of sleep loss

Most people are familiar with the obvious consequences of sleep deprivation—the heavy eyelids, short attention spans and excessive yawning after a poor night's sleep. But...

Life after lockdown should start with this healthy to-do list

COVID-19 lockdowns are easing across the U.S., but is it safe to go back to the gym? Or the doctor? And when it is safe,...

This study shows the real cause of obesity

Conventional wisdom suggests that an increasingly sedentary and germ-free lifestyle, resulting in low daily energy expenditure, is a primary factor underlying rising rates of...

Scientists find new way to treat sleep loss, insomnia

In a new study, researchers found a new method to treat insomnia, the persistent problems falling and staying asleep. The research was conducted by a...

Erectile dysfunction can be really dangerous to men’s health

Low testosterone levels have been linked to a higher risk of death in middle-aged and older men, but results from large studies are inconsistent. Studies...

This type of education could improve memory in old people

In a new study, researchers found that education appears to protect older adults, especially women, against memory loss. They found that children—especially girls—who attend school...

The dangers of sleep loss you need to know

Most people are familiar with the obvious consequences of sleep deprivation – the heavy eyelids, short attention spans and excessive yawning after a poor...

Why sleep loss could increase your heart disease and stroke risk

Sleep disruption has been shown to be linked to an increased risk of atherosclerosis, but the mechanism has been unclear. In a new study, researchers...

What to expect when you are seeking medical care now

As outpatient centers, clinics and practices gradually resume seeing patients, they look a bit different in response to COVID-19. In addition to keeping patients and...

This popular beverage may boost your gut health

A recent study from Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, researchers found caffeine consumption is linked to the healthy gut microbiome. They found the microbiomes...