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High-potency cannabis may affect your memory functions

In a new study from Washington State University, researchers used the video conferencing app Zoom to research a type of cannabis that is understudied:...

Always tired? You may have sleep apnea

Do you feel tired or have a headache when you wake up in the morning?  Something might be going wrong while you sleep that...

How to stay safe in the sun

While the sun provides us with many benefits and supports our life, its ultraviolet rays can be harmful and damaging to our bodies, primarily...

Why people with sleep apnea more likely to have high blood pressure

In a recent study published in the European Respiratory Journal, researchers found the potential cause of high blood pressure in people with sleep apnea. The study...

5 ways to keep your heart safe in extreme heat

With many areas of the country facing triple digit temperatures and summer heat and humidity elsewhere, the American Heart Association, a global force for...

Sleep and fitness go hand-in-hand

In a new study from the University of Saskatchewan, researchers confirmed the connection between sleep and physical activity among middle-aged women. They found a big...

Older people living alone more likely to have this health problem

In a recent study published in Australasian Journal on Ageing, researchers found that more than a third (37%) of older people who live in...

Obesity may increase survival in this cancer

In a new study from San Raffaele University in Italy, researchers found obese patients with a form of advanced prostate cancer survive longer than...

How blue light can affect your sleep

Extended exposure to light during nighttime can have negative consequences for human health. In a new study from the University of Tsukuba, researchers found a...

How sleep loss can harm your mental and physical wellbeing

In a new study from the University of South Florida, researchers found all it takes is three consecutive nights of sleep loss to cause...