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Physical activity may counter serious health harms of poor sleep

In a new study from the University of Sydney, researchers found physical activity levels at or above the weekly recommended amounts may counter the...

Scientists develop world-first weight loss device

In a new study from the University of Otago, researchers have developed a world-first weight-loss device to help fight the global obesity epidemic. DentalSlim Diet...

Those breakfast foods are fortified for a reason

In a new study from The Ohio State University, researchers found adults who skip breakfast are likely to miss out on key nutrients that...

Staying fit may decrease death risk in COVID-19

In a new study from the University of Toronto, researchers found that improving your heart and respiratory fitness level may help protect you from...

Chronic stress linked to Alzheimer’s disease, study finds

In a new review study from Curtin University, researchers found that chronic psychosocial stress—which involves a pathway called the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA axis)—may contribute...

Vitamin D and omega-3 supplements may improve health in active older people

In a recent study published in JAMA, researchers found examined the effects of simple measures on the health of healthy adults aged 70 or older. Their...

This stuff in body may reduce your lifespan more than 10 years

In a recent study published in the European Journal of Internal Medicine, researchers found that extreme values of serum uric acid levels in the blood...

How to have better sleep at night

In a new study from Virginia Commonwealth University, researchers found that less fast food and screen time, more physical activity can help people sleep...

No strong evidence dietary supplements can help you lose weight

There are hundreds of weight-loss supplements like green tea extract, chitosan, guar gum and conjugated linoleic acid, and an estimated 34% of Americans who...

This personality trait can help you live longer

In a recent study published in Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, researchers found for the first time that the immune system directly links personality to the...