Home Wellness Page 182


Want to sleep better? Sharing bed with your partner

Scientists from the University of Arizona found that adults who share their beds with a partner have less severe insomnia, less fatigue and more sleep...

Daytime napping linked to Alzheimer’s disease

In a recent study from Rush University, researchers found there is a link between cognitive decline and excessive daytime napping. The connection appears to occur...

This diabetes drug could help obese people lose 20% of body weight

Scientists from Yale School of Medicine found that people with obesity treated with a novel GIP/GLP-1 receptor agonist, tirzepatide, lost about 52 pounds on...

Smoking doubles your risk of heart failure

Scientists from Johns Hopkins found that people who smoked tobacco cigarettes developed heart failure at twice the rate of those who never smoked. This higher...

Sit less. Move more. Do chores. These 3 things can reduce your stroke risk

Too much sitting leads to an increased risk of heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, and other chronic illnesses, including depression. To offset the severe side effects...

Weight loss surgery lowers your colon cancer risk by 33%

Scientists from Mayo Clinic and elsewhere found that people who had weight-loss surgery were 37% less likely to develop colorectal cancer compared to individuals...

Endurance exercise may affect your body’s largest artery

Scientists from UCL found that older male athletes could be at higher risk of heart and circulatory diseases than female competitors of a similar...

Obesity can trigger type 1 diabetes, study finds

Scientists from Tel Aviv University found obesity also contributes to type 1 diabetes. They tested nearly 1.5 million Israeli teenagers and found that those who...

How gas stoves pollute your home

Many of us love our gas stoves. But unfortunately, they can create indoor pollution levels that exceed legal outdoor pollution levels. This video dives into the...

This diabetes drug helps you lose never-before-seen amounts of weight

Scientists from Yale and elsewhere found a drug recently approved to treat type 2 diabetes is also extremely effective at reducing obesity. The research is...