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Older people suffering from depression age faster, study finds

Dementia is a syndrome that refers to a decline in cognitive function that interferes with daily activities. It is a progressive condition that affects memory,...

New exercise therapy may benefit people with common heart failure

According to a recent report from the American Heart Association and the American College of Cardiology, exercise therapy could be a safe and effective...

This waist number could predict death risk in heart failure

Heart failure is a chronic disease in which the heart muscle is unable to pump enough blood to meet the body's needs. It can occur...

Scientists find new drug against weight gain even on a high-fat, high-sugar diet

Scientists from The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio have discovered a new drug that could help people lose weight and...

Coffee, with sugar or not, may help you live longer

A recent study conducted by scientists at Jinan University has found that drinking both unsweetened and sugar-sweetened coffee is linked to a lower risk...

You can burn 70% more body fat if you exercise on an empty stomach

Obesity is a medical condition in which a person has an excess amount of body fat that can lead to negative health consequences. It...

What happens when you grow up on the Mediterranean diet? She knows firsthand

You can find health advice almost anywhere these days. But finding reliable information and figuring out how to apply it can be overwhelming. So to...

This flowering plant may hold key to reducing obesity

Obesity is a condition that affects a large number of people worldwide. It is characterized by the accumulation of excess body fat, which can lead...

Poor sleep in middle-age harms brain health, may increase dementia risk

In a new study from The Australian National University, scientists found that poor sleep in middle age can have a negative impact on brain...

Eating nuts everyday may reduce weight gain and obesity risk

Obesity is a medical condition where a person has too much body fat, which can harm their health. It happens when a person takes in...