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Scientists teach robots to recognize objects just like kids learn to play with toys

Researchers at The University of Texas at Dallas have taught a robot named Ramp to recognize different objects by pushing them around. This might sound...

This shape-shifting robot can squeeze through tight spots

Have you ever watched a bug easily crawl through a tiny gap and wondered how it did that? Well, scientists at the University of Colorado...

US military plans to unleash thousands of autonomous war robots over next two years

The United States military plans to start using thousands of autonomous weapons systems in the next two years in a bid to counter China's...

Smart robots learn to use their whole body, not just fingers, to handle objects

Imagine you want to lift a heavy box and carry it upstairs. You would use both your hands, arms, and even balance it against your...

Scientists develop shape-shifting robot helpers inspired by ants

Have you ever seen ants join together to create bridges, rafts, or other structures? They change shape depending on what they need. Imagine if...

Quick-learn robots: How CMU’s VR tech revolutionizes robot training

Imagine trying to teach a toddler how to pick up a toy. You show them once or twice, and they get it, right? Now, scientists...

Scientists create robo-turtle to help real baby turtles reach the ocean safely

Have you ever watched a sea turtle glide gracefully in the water and wondered how they do it? These animals have a unique way of...

New robot hand offers unprecedented combo of strength and delicacy

Scientists at North Carolina State University have invented an incredibly versatile robotic hand that's a master at both strength and precision. It's so gentle that...

Innovative teleoperation system ‘AnyTeleop’ by NVIDIA and UC San Diego

Advancements in robotics and artificial intelligence have paved the way for more efficient teleoperation, where robots are remotely controlled to perform tasks in distant...

Gecko-inspired robot conquers wet surfaces

You've probably seen or heard about geckos, those cool little lizards that can scuttle up walls and across ceilings. Scientists at Carnegie Mellon University have...