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How do sea stars move without a brain? The answer could impact robotics and...

Have you ever seen a sea star move? To many of us, sea star seem motionless, like a rock on the ocean’s floor, but in...

Scientists create new way to design and control soft robots

MIT researchers have invented a way to efficiently optimize the control and design of soft robots for target tasks, which has traditionally been a...

New algorithms could train AI to avoid specific bad behaviors

Robots, self-driving cars and other intelligent machines could become better-behaved thanks to a new way to help machine learning designers build AI applications. Artificial intelligence...

Scientists create novel flying robot

Skyscrapers are rising rapidly around the world, continuously transforming city skylines. However, their repair and maintenance is becoming more and more difficult. So, who can...

Scientists create a RoboBee powered by soft muscles

The sight of a RoboBee careening towards a wall or crashing into a glass box may have once triggered panic in the researchers in...

Darn you, R2! When can we blame robots?

A recent study from North Carolina State University finds that people are likely to blame robots for workplace accidents, but only if they believe...

Scientists find new way to create less bulky soft robots

Engineers at the University of California San Diego have developed a way to build soft robots that are compact, portable and multifunctional. The advance was...

This drone with nail gun could tack shingles onto roofs

University of Michigan engineers attached a nail gun to an autonomous octocopter and demonstrated that it can successfully tack a shingle onto a roof. This...

Shape-shifting robots built from smarticles could navigate Army operations

A U.S. Army project took a new approach to developing robots -- researchers built robots entirely from smaller robots known as smarticles. This unlocks the...

Scientists create microscopic biohybrid robots propelled by muscles, nerves

Researchers have developed soft robotic devices driven by neuromuscular tissue that triggers when stimulated by light. This brings mechanical engineering one step closer to developing...