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Fish-inspired robots could move freely without any outside control

These fish-inspired robots can synchronize their movements without any outside control. Based on the simple production and detection of LED light, the robotic collective...

Spontaneous robot dances reveal a new kind of order in active matter

Researchers have proposed a new principle by which active matter systems can spontaneously order, without need for higher level instructions. Predicting when and how collections...

Scientists design new soft robotic gripper from pole beans

Scientists often look to nature for cues when designing robots - some robots mimic human hands while others simulate the actions of octopus arms...

Your robot vacuum could spy on you

Researchers have shown that it’s possible to spy on private conversations using a common robot vacuum cleaner and its built-in Light Detection and Ranging...

Old dog training methods teach robots new tricks

With a training technique commonly used to teach dogs to sit and stay, researchers showed a robot how to teach itself several new tricks,...

This pufferfish like robot could help drones fly safely

If you get too close to a pufferfish, this undersea creature will blow up like a balloon to scare you away. Now, a team of...

New biomorphic batteries could provide 72 times more energy for robots

A new rechargeable zinc battery can provide much more energy and integrate into the structure of a robot. Like biological fat reserves store energy in...

Powerful human-like hands create safer human-robotics interactions

Need a robot with a soft touch? A team of Michigan State University engineers has designed and developed a novel humanoid hand that may be...

This soft robot jellyfish could outswim its natural counterparts

Engineering researchers at North Carolina State University and Temple University have developed soft robots inspired by jellyfish that can outswim their real-life counterparts. More practically,...

Gold nanomaterial gives robots chameleon skin

A new film made of gold nanoparticles changes color in response to any type of movement. Its unprecedented qualities could allow robots to mimic...