Public Health

Scientists find new way to limit organ damage in people with severe COVID-19

Patients with severe COVID-19 frequently experience a life-threatening immune reaction, sometimes called a cytokine storm, which can lead to respiratory failure, organ damage, and...

This new COVID treatment could lower death rates by 70%

In a new study, researchers found a cellular therapy tested on 13 intubated patients with mechanical ventilation has been shown to be efficient for...

COVID-19 linked to 5 dangerous brain diseases, new study shows

In a new study, researchers found severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection is linked to a spectrum of neurological disorders. The research was...

COVID-19 can have long-term harms to your lungs, heart

For some individuals with COVID-19, recovering from the acute phase of the infection is only the beginning, John Swartzberg warns. Worrying reports now indicate that...

This study finds a new method to effectively prevent COVID-19 spread

A recent study at the University of Arizona found that in the battle to slow or prevent the transmission of viruses, such as the...

These two groups of people may have higher COVID-19 death risk

A recent study from the University College London and elsewhere found that current smokers and people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) have a...

Here’s what doctors know about immunizations right now: You still need them

There's no vaccine for COVID-19 yet. But there are routine immunizations that people aren't getting for a host of debilitating and potentially deadly diseases. In...

High blood sugar linked to much higher COVID-19 death risk

In a new study, researchers found that in patients with COVID-19 but without diabetes, abnormally high blood sugar is linked to more than double...

Big myths and facts about face masks you need to know

We see and hear new COVID-19 news almost every minute of the day. But separating facts from fiction can get challenging, especially when it...

How COVID-19 can harm your body outside the lungs

In a new study, researchers give the first comprehensive review of COVID-19's effects outside the lungs. They found a substantial proportion of patients suffer kidney,...