Public Health

Is your home too small to prevent COVID-19 spread?

In a new study, researchers found although people with COVID-19 are told to keep their distance from family members to protect them from infection,...

Most U.S. people have not been infected with COVID-19 virus, this study shows

In a new study, researchers found from March to early May 2020, most people in the United States had not been infected with severe...

Scientists find how COVID-19 causes smell loss

Temporary loss of smell, or anosmia, is the main neurological symptom and one of the earliest and most commonly reported indicators of COVID-19. Studies suggest...

This test provides higher accuracy of COVID-19 detection

In a new review study, researchers compared different COVID-19 tests and found that sputum testing detected the RNA of the virus that causes COVID-19...

Seaweed extract may block COVID-19 virus better than drug remdesivir

In a new study, researchers found in a test of antiviral effectiveness against COVID-19, an extract from edible seaweeds outperformed remdesivir, the current standard...

Lung ultrasound can help predict severity and duration of COVID-19

In a new study, researchers found that lung ultrasound was highly sensitive for detecting abnormalities in patients with coronavirus disease (COVID-19), with B-lines, a...

These two drugs may help fight against COVID-19

A recent study from South Korea screened 48 FDA-approved drugs against SARS-CoV-2 and found that two, that are already FDA-approved for other illnesses, seem...

Our teeth could show signs of this deadly neurological disease

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a condition that usually manifests when someone is in their 50s or 60s. The cause is not known, and...

Many people with COVID-19 need rehabilitation care to recover better

For patients that experience severe cases of the COVID-19 virus, no longer needing mechanical ventilation and leaving the intensive care unit are great successes. But,...

This new drug may prevent heart attack, stroke, and blood clots in COVID-19

In a new study, researchers have developed a drug that can be potentially given as a preventative against heart attack. The drug—which has been studied...