Tabletop particle accelerator could probe for other dimensions in the universe
Scientists at the Laboratory for Laser Energetics have discovered a method to accelerate electrons to record energies in very short distances.
With such a...
Mutual funds with lower tax burdens have higher returns, says study
After a wild couple of months of equity market volatility, many mutual fund investors are now cautiously exploring how best to rebalance their portfolios.
Scientists reach new word record to create 2D supramolecules
Scientists at the University of South Florida have reached a new milestone in the development of two-dimensional (2D) supramolecules.
2D supramolecules are the building blocks...
Where did the antimatter go?
We live in a world of matter - because matter overtook antimatter, though they were both created in equal amounts by the Big Bang...
Scientists predict new state of matter
Three scientists from the University of Chicago have run the numbers, and they believe there may be a way to make a material that...
Something is lurking in the heart of quasar 3C 279
One year ago, the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) Collaboration published the first image of a black hole in the nearby radio galaxy M 87.
Our Milky Way’s satellites help reveal link between dark matter halos and galaxy formation
Just as the sun has planets and the planets have moons, our galaxy has satellite galaxies, and some of those might have smaller satellite...
Hubble Telescope finds best evidence for elusive mid-size black hole
New data from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope have provided the strongest evidence yet for mid-sized black holes in the Universe.
Hubble confirms that this...
Scientists find a way to extract color from black
Scientists have developed a way of extracting a richer palette of colors from the available spectrum by harnessing disordered patterns inspired by nature that...
Dark matter isn’t behind mysterious space signals from nearby galaxies
Researchers have ruled out dark matter being responsible for mysterious electromagnetic signals previously observed from nearby galaxies.
Prior to the new work there were high...