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How to tie microscopic knots

Physicists at CU Boulder have gone to creative lengths to earn their scouting merit badges for knot-tying. In a study published in the journal Science,...

Scientists find galaxy floating in a tranquil sea of halo gas

Analysis of radio pulses that passed through a galactic halo reveals a surprisingly quiescent halo with very low density and weak magnetic field. Using one...

Scientists watch a black hole shredding a star

After passing too close to a supermassive black hole, the star in this artist's conception is torn apart into a thin stream of gas,...

Scientists create an innovative device to generate light from darkness

The technology could eventually aid the more than 1 billion people around the world who lack reliable access to electricity. When frost forms on the...

New study helps explain the dimming of the most mysterious star in the universe

For years, astronomers have looked up at the sky and speculated about the strange dimming behavior of Tabby's Star. First identified more than a century...

Scientists detect a black hole ringing like a bell for the first time

'Ringing' black hole validates Einstein's general relativity 10 years ahead of schedule. For the first time, astrophysicists have heard a black hole ringing like a...

This device could generate light from cold darkness

An inexpensive thermoelectric device harnesses the cold of space without active heat input, generating electricity that powers an LED at night, researchers report in...

This exotic crystal is fueling the quantum revolution

Scientists have discovered new properties in the chemical element bismuth that could prevent supercomputers from frying and enable the production of low power electronics. In...

Afterglow of GW170817 sheds light on the origin of neutron star collisions

The final chapter of the historic detection of the powerful merger of two neutron stars in 2017 officially has been written. After the extremely bright...

Scientist hunt for a 12-billion-year-old signal that marks the end of the post Big...

Astronomers are closing in on a signal that has been travelling across the Universe for 12 billion years, bringing them nearer to understanding the...