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Could tiny black holes be hiding in planets or even everyday objects?

When you think of black holes, you probably imagine massive stars collapsing under their own gravity. But scientists have long theorized the existence of primordial...

Could primordial black holes be hiding in plain sight

Are Primordial Black Holes real? They could’ve formed in the unusual physics that dominated the Universe shortly after the Big Bang. The idea dates back to...

New laser technique perfects diamond surfaces atom by atom

Imagine being able to adjust the surface of a material with atomic-scale precision using just a laser. What sounds like science fiction has now become...

How ‘spooky action’ reveals quantum entanglement at tiny distances

Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Brookhaven National Laboratory have made a groundbreaking discovery about the inner workings of protons—the tiny particles that...

Scientists unveil the shape of a single photon for the first time

For the first time, scientists have revealed the precise shape of a single photon, the smallest particle of light. This groundbreaking research, conducted at the...

Light meets its match: scientists discover lasers can cast shadows

Can light cast a shadow? It sounds like a tricky riddle, but researchers have shown that, under special conditions, a laser beam can block another...

How twisted light is changing the way we control electrons

Light isn't just for seeing—it can also give things a push. When light travels, it carries energy and momentum, which is like motion energy. Scientists...

Scientists explore nature-inspired sunscreens for safer UV protection

A team of researchers from the University of Amsterdam and the University of Warwick is taking a nature-inspired approach to improve sunscreen safety and...

The early universe may have had giant batteries of dust

The largest magnetic fields in the universe may have found themselves charged up when the first stars began to shine, according to new research. Magnetic...

Axion dark matter may make spacetime ring

Dark matter made out of axions may have the power to make space-time ring like a bell, but only if it is able to...