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Speeding star might escape the Milky Way: A cosmic mystery

While it may seem like the sun is stationary with the planets moving around it, the sun is actually orbiting the Milky Way galaxy...

New theory suggests gravity can exist without mass, challenging need for dark matter

A groundbreaking theory from Dr. Richard Lieu at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) suggests that gravity can exist without mass, potentially eliminating...

Brewing coffee and turbulence: The surprising link

In 1883, Osborne Reynolds made a fascinating discovery while experimenting with water flow. By injecting ink into water in a clear pipe, he observed that...

Gold nanoparticles: A new way to control light for advanced applications

Scientists have discovered a way to control the type of light emitted by tiny gold nanoparticles, which could lead to exciting new technologies. When these...

Scientists uncover how tokamak shape affects plasma stability

Harnessing energy from plasma requires a precise understanding of its behavior during fusion to keep it hot, dense, and stable. A new theoretical model about...

Scientists make breakthrough in electron transfer observation with nanotube crystals

A recent study has made significant progress in understanding electron transfer (ET), a process where electrons move from one atom or molecule to another. ET...

Scientists explore gravitational waves and the geometry of spacetime

When discussing our universe, it's often said that "matter tells spacetime how to curve, and curved spacetime tells matter how to move." This idea comes...

Scientists achieve crystal clarity in diamond’s quantum signals

Why do the signals from quantum bits in diamonds often appear messy and inconsistent? A team from Stanford University, led by Jennifer Dionne, tackled this...

Scientists create x-ray vision to see inside crystals

Scientists at New York University have developed a groundbreaking technique to look inside crystals, similar to having X-ray vision. They call this new method "Crystal...

Scientists find a new way to make quantum computers

Quantum computers have the potential to solve incredibly complex problems that even the world's most powerful supercomputers can’t handle. To achieve this, quantum computers need...