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Breakthrough in quantum physics unlocks control over chemical reactions

Recently, researchers in the field of polariton chemistry have made exciting progress in using quantum optics techniques to manipulate chemical reactivity.

Scientists unlock the secrets of turbulence

Turbulence, a phenomenon characterized by chaotic flow, surrounds us in everyday life.

Scientists create synthetic molecules that act just like real ones

In a fascinating development, a team of scientists from Radboud University has created synthetic molecules that act just like real ones.

Scientists discover unusual magnetic activity in special insulating materials

Scientists have made an exciting discovery in a unique type of material called a topological insulator (TI).

Dying stars’ cocoons could be new source of gravitational waves

Researchers suggest looking at an entirely unexplored place: The turbulent, energetic cocoons of debris that surround dying massive stars.

Stephen Hawking’s black hole theory gets a universal upgrade

Hawking suggested over a long, long time, black holes would eventually fade away or 'evaporate' due to something he called Hawking radiation.

Scientists use quantum physics to secure wireless devices

Researchers report a method inspired by quantum physics to improve wireless device identification and protect device-to-device communication.

Scientists solve 40-year-old riddle about quantum vortex

Helium-4, when super-chilled to temperatures close to absolute zero (-273°C), becomes what we call a 'superfluid.' It's pretty much like the superhero of liquids, possessing unique and exciting features, including a swirling feature called a 'quantized vortex.'

World’s first X-Ray of a single atom: Unlocking the secrets of the invisible

Scientists have accomplished a remarkable feat: capturing the X-ray signature of a single atom.

Why do rocks in the Kuiper Belt come in all colors of the rainbow?...

Imagine our Solar System as a big neighborhood. At the far end of it, just past Neptune's orbit, lies a massive icy zone known as the Kuiper Belt.