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Vitamin B12 loss linked to multiple sclerosis, study finds

Scientists have discovered a molecular link between vitamin B12 deficiency and multiple sclerosis (MS), shedding light on potential ways to improve MS treatment through...

Heavy metal exposure in food linked to cancer and health risks

Recent studies presented at the 2023 Society for Risk Analysis Annual Conference shed light on the relationship between heavy metal exposure in food and...

Vitamin D deficiency linked to premature death

Despite the abundant availability of vitamin D from sunlight, a concerning one in three Australian adults still experiences varying degrees of vitamin D deficiency,...

Eating fish could help kids reduce delays in brain development

A recent study conducted by researchers at the Penn State College of Medicine has uncovered a potential link between regular fish consumption during infancy...

Healthy plant-based diet reduces type 2 diabetes risk by 24%

A study led by Tilman Kühn from MedUni Vienna's Center for Public Health has shown that adopting a healthy plant-based diet can reduce the...

Used coffee grounds may help prevent brain diseases in older people

Neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and Huntington's affect a substantial number of individuals in the United States and incur significant healthcare costs each year. However,...

Vitamin B12 deficiency may increase risk of chronic inflammation

A recent study has uncovered a significant connection between vitamin B12 deficiency and chronic inflammation—a condition associated with various health problems, including cardiovascular disease,...

Swapping meat for Quorn could reduce cholesterol and waist size, study suggests

A study conducted by researchers from Northumbria University, Newcastle, has found that replacing meat with Quorn protein for just two weeks can lead to...

Folate-rich diet may lower bowel cancer risk, study finds

Increasing folate intake through diet or supplements may help reduce the risk of colorectal cancer (CRC), according to research co-led by Dr. Konstantinos Tsilidis...

Eating a healthier diet could add 10 years to your life, says new study

A recent study conducted by a team of experts from various fields, including public health, addiction research, cardiovascular health, and nutrition, has revealed that...