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Poor diet plays biggest role in these cancers

Poor diet plays biggest role in these cancers

It is known that eating a healthy diet is very important to our mental and physical health. On the contrary, eating a poor diet can...
Strawberry tree honey may stop colon cancer growth

Strawberry tree honey may stop colon cancer growth

In a new study, researchers found that honey from strawberry trees could stop colon cancer cells grown in the laboratory. This finding may help develop...
This diet may protect mental health in older people

Mediterranean-style diet may protect mental health, study finds

In a new study, researchers found that eating a Mediterranean-type diet may protect against depression in later life. The research was conducted by a team...
One egg per day may not raise stroke risk

One egg per day may not raise stroke risk

In a new study, scientists found that eating dietary cholesterol moderately may not increase the risk of stroke. They found that eating up to one...
This common food chemical may increase your cancer risk

This common food chemical may increase your cancer risk

Recently, scientists from the FDA suggest that a common food additive, acrylamide, may contribute to cancer. Acrylamide is a chemical that can form in some...

Fruit Juices may raise risk of early death

In a new review, researchers suggest that fruit Juices are just as unhealthy as sugar-sweetened beverages, which can increase people’s risk of early death. The...
This common snack may harm your heart rhythm

This common snack may harm your heart rhythm

Recently, FDA scientists have found that eating too much black licorice may lead to an irregular heart rhythm or arrhythmia. The harm is particularly strong...
These 7 drugs cannot mix with grapefruit juice

These 7 drugs cannot mix with grapefruit juice

It is known that grapefruit and grapefruit juice can be beneficial to our health. The fruit is high in essential nutrients such as vitamin C...
Mediterranean diet could help protect your heart health

Mediterranean diet could help protect your heart health

This year, the U.S. News & World Report issued its annual rankings of the best diets. The winner of this year is the Mediterranean diet, which is...
This dairy food may help lower blood pressure

This dairy food may help lower blood pressure

In a recent study, researchers found that drinking kefir may improve blood pressure levels. This is because kefir could boost communication between the gut and...