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Using vitamin D to fight diabetes

In a recent study, researchers from the Salk Institute report a potential new approach for treating diabetes by protecting beta cells. Beta cells are the...

Want healthy late-night snacks? Try cottage cheese

Eager to eat a snack before sleep? A protein-filled snack like cottage cheese is the way to go, according to researchers at Florida State...

Blood vitamin D linked to your colon cancer risk

In a recent international study reported by the American Cancer Society, researchers found that higher vitamin D concentrations in the blood are strongly linked...
These daily foods could help starve prostate cancer

These daily foods could help starve prostate cancer

In recent research from The University of Texas at Austin, scientists find several natural compounds in turmeric, apple peels and red grapes could thwart...

Can cocoa help reduce diabetes risk?

We know that eating chocolates can make you become overweight because chocolates are often high in sugar and fat. However, recent studies have found that...

This diet could help you enjoy a long life

In a new Italian study, researchers find the Mediterranean diet contributes to long life for elderly people. A traditional Mediterranean-like diet is rich in fruit,...

Why sleep and olive oil could protect you from heart attacks and strokes

In a recent study, researchers have uncovered why foods high in unsaturated fats may protect against cardiovascular disease. The research shows that Apolipoprotein A-IV, known...

This fasting diet could reduce risks of major chronic diseases

In a recent study from USC, researchers find a low-calorie, “fasting-mimicking” diet could help risks of major diseases. The diet could reduce blood pressure and...

Drinking coffee and tea linked to longer life in people with kidney disease

In a new study, researchers find that drinking more caffeine may help people with chronic kidney disease live longer. About 89% of the adult...

Vitamin D deficiency and obesity may increase breast cancer risk

In a new study, researchers find obesity and vitamin D deficiency may increase a woman’s breast cancer risk. Vitamin D is already well known for...