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Fast-food shops on your way to work may contribute to obesity

In a new study, researchers found fast-food stores available near residences and commute routes had a strong link with body mass index (BMI), the...
These 9 super foods may help you achieve healthy aging

These 9 super foods may help you achieve healthy aging

It is known that eating a healthy diet plays a key role in our overall health. Research has shown that this is particularly important for...

Who read the nutrition facts food labels?

In a recent study, researchers found although Nutrition Facts label on packaged food can help Americans make healthy food choices, many people check them...

Farmed salmon is now a staple in diets – but what they eat matters...

Salmon is not only tasty but is prized for being low fat and high in rich omega-3 oils. In recent times, salmon has been a...

How coffee, alcohol, cigarettes could affect your sleep

In a new study, researchers examined how caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine could affect people’s sleep at night. They found that drinking coffee within four hours...

This high-protein plant may help control blood sugar

In a new study, researchers found Mankai, a new high-protein aquatic plant strain of duckweed, could help control blood sugar levels after people eat...

Compound in old cheese may help prevent liver cancer

In a new study, researchers found spermidine, a compound in foods like aged cheese, may prevent liver fibrosis and hepatocellular carcinoma, the most common...

Low-carbon diet may benefit both your health and the Earth

In a new study, researchers found eating a low-carbon diet is good both for people’s health and the planet. They examined the carbon footprint of...

Vitamin A linked to lower skin cancer risk

In a new study, researchers found people whose diets included high levels of vitamin A had a 17% reduction in risk for common skin...

Avoiding meat and eggs might help fight colon cancer

In a new study, researchers found that certain nutrients and chemicals in food use the same molecular pathways that colon cancer therapies use to...