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Apples and tea may protect you from heart disease, cancer

In a new study, researchers found eating flavonoid-rich items such as apples and tea protects against cancer and heart disease. The health benefits are especially...

Keto diet alone may help protect against lung cancer, new study shows

In a new study, researchers found restricting blood glucose levels might also keep certain cancers at bay. The found the keto diet alone could help...

These two common foods linked to most heart disease, stroke, diabetes

It is known that a diet high in salt and processed meat can bring lots of harms to people’s health. In a recent study, researchers...

Common food people eat every day may contribute to autism

With the number of children diagnosed with autism on the rise, it is important to find out what causes the disorder. Previous research has found...

vitamin D and estrogen combo may protect against diabetes, heart disease

Metabolic syndrome is a group of health conditions that increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. In a recent study, researchers found that...

Optimal vitamin D levels may vary for people from different ethnic groups

In a new paper, researchers suggested that when recommending vitamin D supplements, doctors should look at each patient as having different requirements and not...

Scientists confirm gluten intake linked to development of coeliac disease

In a new study, researchers have confirmed that the risk of developing the coeliac disease is connected to the amount of gluten children consume. The...

High fat food can make your body absorb marijuana CBD more

In a new study, researchers found that food high in fat could make the body absorb cannabidiol (CBD) more. The research was conducted by a...

How our choice of diet can lead to the development of diabetes

In a new study, researchers have discovered how our choice of diet can weaken our gut immune system and lead to the development of...

Fast food restaurants linked to more heart attacks

In a new study, researchers found that areas with a higher number of fast-food restaurants have more heart attacks. The research was conducted by a...