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Your meat-free favorite foods could be tricking you

They might be plant-based, gluten-free, organic and vegan, but many meat-free alternative products are highly processed and packed with salt, making them more stealthy...

Drinking tea may improve your brain health

In a new study, researchers found regular tea drinkers have better organized brain regions—and this is associated with healthy cognitive function—compared to non-tea drinkers. The...

Vitamin D may provide great health benefits to pregnant women

In a new study, researchers found that supplementing pregnant women with vitamin D alone may reduce the risk of several health problems. The research was...

How to do your grocery shopping like a cardiologist

Many of us vowed to eat more healthfully but don't know how to begin. Here are some grocery store guidelines to reduce the amount of...

Fatty foods necessary for vitamin E absorption, but not right away

In a new study, researchers found though the vitamin is fat-soluble, people don't have to consume fat along with it for the body to...

Too much vitamin D may harm your kidney health

Recently, researchers from the University of Toronto have found that taking too much vitamin D supplements could lead to kidney failure. They reported a man’s...

This dietary supplement may help treat schizophrenia

In a new study, researchers found a dietary supplement, sarcosine, may help with schizophrenia as part of antipsychotic medication. The finding suggests the readily available...

Scientists confirms the long-term benefits of a low-fat diet

In a new study, researchers found several women's health benefits from a low-fat diet. They found a low-fat diet commensurate with an increase in fruit,...

This common vegetable may help you lower blood pressure

In a new study, researchers found adding pumpkin pulp or seeds to a healthy diet may help reduce blood pressure levels. The research was conducted...

Mushrooms may help prevent prostate cancer

In a new study, researchers found eating mushrooms is linked to a lower risk of the development of prostate cancer in men. This finding suggests...