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Green tea may hold the key to reducing antibiotic resistance

In a new study, researchers found that a natural antioxidant commonly found in green tea can help eliminate antibiotic-resistant bacteria. They found that epigallocatechin (EGCG)...

Potato boosts athletic performance as effectively as carb gels

In a new study, researchers found eating potato puree during prolonged exercise works just as well as a commercial carbohydrate gel in sustaining blood...

Popular weight loss diet could reverse common kidney disease

In a new study, researchers have found a popular diet could hold the key to treating polycystic kidney disease (PKD). The research was conducted by...

Keto diet may affect skin inflammation

In a new study, researchers found not all fats are equal in how they affect our skin. They found that different ketogenic diets could impact...

This eating habit may help prevent type 2 diabetes

It is known that a healthy diet is important in preventing type 2 diabetes and obesity. Recently, researchers from the University of Adelaide and elsewhere...

Scientists find new health benefit of eating rice

It is known that people who eat more dietary fiber and whole grains have lower body weight and cholesterol. Previous research has shown that these...

Healthy family meals have these components

In a new study, researchers found turning the TV off, taking time to eat and not arguing at the table are very important for...

This common food may cause slow testosterone in men

In a new study, researchers found fast-food meals consumed by obese or overweight men have an immediate negative impact on testicular performance and testosterone...

This diet may make your brain age faster

In a new study, researchers found a high-fat, high-sugar diet could make the brain age faster, and endurance exercise such as running could help...

Craving junk food after a sleepless night? Blame your nose

When you're sleep-deprived, you tend to reach for doughnuts, fries, and pizza. In a new study, researchers have figured out why you crave more calorie-dense,...