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Why eating packaged food is a bad idea

About 80% of Americans’ total calorie consumption comes from packaged foods and beverages. In a recent study from Northwestern Medicine, researchers suggest that people need...

Vegan diet may help reduce heart disease, stroke risk

In a new study, researchers found that following a vegan diet for five weeks may decrease risk factors for heart disease. The research was conducted...

Eating more protein in your holiday diet may help lose weight, gain muscles

While some diets load up on protein and other diets dictate protein sources, it can be hard to know what to consume while managing...

Healthy fats may help reduce neuropathy in diabetes

People who are diabetic, pre-diabetic or obese are at high risk of developing diabetic neuropathy, which is chronic nerve damage that often affects the...

This diet could make prostate cancer grow faster

In a new study, researchers found that saturated fat intake induces a cellular reprogramming that is linked to prostate cancer progression. They found that when...

These 3 nutrient supplements could benefit your heart health

Store shelves are filled with nutritional supplements that promise to help with everything from joint pain to lowering cholesterol. But in a new study, researchers...

Extra virgin olive oil may protect against multiple types of dementia

Boosting brain function is key to staving off the effects of aging. In a new study, researchers found that if there was one thing every...

How sugar and whole fruit could affect your blood pressure

In a new study, researchers found that added sugar in daily diet is strongly linked to high blood pressure in older women. On the contrary,...

How to avoid food poisoning this holiday season

Preparing a holiday feast can begin as soon as you get home from the grocery store. But if you want to serve family and friends...

New evidence that fruits and vegetables help fight colon cancer

In a new study, researchers found new evidence that natural compounds in fruits and vegetables, known as flavonoids, can help prevent colon cancer. They suggest...