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Poor diet linked to 14 million cases of type 2 diabetes in 184 countries

Researchers from Tufts University have developed a model that estimates poor diet to be responsible for over 14.1 million cases of type 2 diabetes...

Plant-based diets could benefit people with heart disease

Have you ever wondered how the food you eat affects your heart and overall health? Well, a new study has found that eating a healthy...

Sweet oranges may play a big role in preventing diabetes, obesity

Scientists at Western University have discovered that a molecule present in sweet oranges and tangerines, called nobiletin, may help reduce obesity, and prevent diabetes,...

Six reasons why potatoes are good for you

The humble potato has been given a bad rap. What was once a cheap staple of many countries’ diets has instead been branded in recent...

Scientists find new links about coffee drinking and kidney disease

Scientists from the University of Toronto and other institutions have discovered that the link between heavy coffee drinking and kidney disease depends on a...

Cranberries can prevent urinary tract infections for women, study confirms

Cranberry juice and supplements can reduce the risk of repeat symptomatic UTIs in women by more than a quarter, in children by more than half.

Mediterranean diet with these foods could reduce blood sugar after meal

Scientists from Purdue University have found that a Mediterranean diet with low GI foods could help manage blood sugar levels in people with a...

Two or more cups of coffee may increase death risk in people with severe...

A recent study found that drinking two or more cups of coffee a day may double the risk of death from heart disease among...

Mediterranean and low-fat diet programs can reduce risks of death and heart attacks

According to a new review published in The BMJ, following a Mediterranean or low-fat dietary program can strongly reduce the likelihood of death and...

B vitamins could lower hard-to-treat high blood pressure

A recent study from the University of Maine found that taking B vitamins can help lower high blood pressure. High blood pressure can lead to...