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Vitamin B3 may protect you from skin cancer

A team of scientists from the University of Sydney recently conducted a study and found that vitamin B3, also known as nicotinamide, may be...

A vegan diet high in legume could help you lose weight

In a study from the Physicians Committee, scientists have found that following a vegan diet that is high in legumes could be an effective...

Managing stress with food and alcohol may increase lifelong weight gain

A study by Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare has found that using food or alcohol to manage stress can lead to weight gain over time.

Cranberry juice can prevent recurrent UTIs, but only for some people

Most UTIs are effectively and easily treated with antibiotics. Sometimes just one dose of antibiotics can resolve the infection. Unfortunately, for some people, UTIs keep coming back.

Plant-based low-carb diet can benefit people with type 2 diabetes

A new study from Harvard suggests that following a low-carbohydrate diet primarily composed of plant-based foods could lower the risk of premature death in...

Drinking any sugary beverages may increase your risk of type 2 diabetes

Sugar-sweetened beverages, such as soft drinks and fruit juices, have been linked to an increased risk of type 2 diabetes in a new study...

How to cut back on sodium to protect your blood pressure

People across the globe are consuming much more sodium than they should. And based on current recommendations, Americans shouldn't be having more than 2,300 milligrams of sodium each...

Menu calorie counts may help lower cancer risk in obese people

A new study suggests that specifying the number of calories for each item on restaurant menus could help prevent cancer cases linked with obesity...

Green Mediterranean diet can reduce heart disease risk better

A new study was conducted by a group of researchers who wanted to find out how different diets can affect our health. They looked at...

Do vegans have healthier eating and exercise behavior?

A recent study conducted by the Center for Public Health at MedUni Vienna found that not all vegans have a healthy diet. Although many vegans...