
Traumatic brain injury should be recognized as chronic health problem

Traumatic Brain Injury, or TBI, happens when a sudden trauma damages the brain. This can occur during a car accident, a fall, or when...

Social isolation linked to worse brain health and cognitive function

A study published in eLife has indicated that social isolation may negatively impact cognitive performance and brain structure, potentially increasing the likelihood of developing...

Musical training may counteract age-related cognitive decline

Long-term musical training may counteract the age-related decline in the ability to understand speech in noisy environments.

Visual illusions come from your eyes, not your brain

Many visual illusions are caused by limits in our eyes and visual neurons rather than by more complex psychological processes.

A simple test could catch memory problems early

Memory problems can be an early sign of cognitive impairment, a condition that affects your thinking and learning abilities. Sometimes, it can lead to serious...

Understanding how lower blood pressure can help our brain health

Scientists discovered that lowering blood pressure intensely might lead to positive changes in the brain.

Brain tumors are cognitive parasites – how brain cancer hijacks neural circuits and causes...

Researchers have long known that brain tumors, specifically a type of tumor called a glioma, can affect a person’s cognitive and physical function. Patients with...

Amazing minds: how our personality shapes our cognitive ability

Scientists found a close link between how we think and our personality, the traits that make us who we are.

Guarding our brains: how tiny immune cells help or harm us

Inside our bodies, there are tiny cells that work like our body's special security guards. But sometimes, they can cause problems and lead to diseases.

A deeper look into our brain’s function: eight genes uncovered

Our brains are quite fascinating. They control how we think, learn, and react to the things around us. But how does the brain work?