Mental Health

The promise of meditation for the heart and mind

Meditation, as a religious practice or mystic experience, may be as old as humanity. Evidence of its use dates back as far as 7,000 years,...

This study shows most effective meds for opioid use disorder

Scientists from Case Western Reserve University found methadone is the most effective drug in medication-assisted treatment for opioid-use disorder. The research is published in the Journal...

Eyes can show signs of autism, ADHD

Scientists from Flinders University and elsewhere found that the eyes may be able to signal neurodevelopmental disorders such as for both attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)...

Pets could benefit health in people with autism

Scientists from Edge Hill University found that animal ownership has multiple benefits for adults diagnosed with autism. They found that not only do people with...

Most male suicides in U.S. show no link to mental health issues, UCLA study...

Most American men who die by suicide don’t have any known history of mental health problems, according to new research by UCLA professor Mark...

How having had COVID-19 may harm your cognitive abilities

Scientists from the University of Waterloo found that people who contract COVID‐19 often experience memory, attention, and concentration problems, even after recovering from the...

COVID-19 strongly linked to worse mental problems

Scientists from the University of Otago found a concerning link between ongoing COVID‑19 disruption and worsening mental health for those most at risk. The research...

The root cause of alcohol addiction you need to know

Alcohol use disorder is one of the most common and severe mental illnesses. According to a WHO report in 2018, more than 3 million deaths...

This common depression drug may help fight dangerous brain cancer

Glioblastoma is a difficult to treat, often deadly, brain cancer. It’s the most common malignant brain cancer in adults, but scientists don’t have any way...

COVID-19 conspiracy theories linked to depression

The Global COVID-19 pandemic has been marked by a significant minority of people expressing conspiratorial beliefs. Scientists from the Medical University of Silesia found that...